POAP University
Learn more about the POAP products available to collectors and issuers alike.

The POAP universe is an ecosystem of apps built to give communities a sense of digital proximity. We hope that POAP University will be an exhaustive resource for POAP creators (community leaders, organizers, and even members) to make the most of this unique technology for making memories.
Learn about POAP Products
POAP for collectors
For collectors, POAP targets an easy to consume, friendly, and fun experience. Collectors experience POAP mostly through POAP Home, where they can find their collections, create Moments, and of course, collect POAPs.
Collectors can also find and connect with other collectors, and get notified of important stuff happening in their communities. Finally, POAP Home supports a dispenser for issuing small drops, for instance the evergreen "You've met me" POAP.
Publishing with POAP
The POAP ecosystem is organized around the central notion of... you guessed it, POAPs. More specifically, we treat "a POAP drop", meaning, all the tokens that share a drop ID, as markers of who belongs in a particular group. POAP drops are created and "dropped" by creators - who may be community leaders, supporters, or members) to celebrate something significant in that community's story. Collectively, we refer to POAP creators as "Issuers" because they take on the bulk of the work relating to execution.
The word "significant" is used in a way that is pretty open ended; POAP-worthy occasions can be anything from a weekly community call, to IRL meetups, product launches, celebrating the meeting of members, or nearly anything else the issuer imagines. We generally encourage issuers to define an event with boundaries - a place, a time, and eligibility criteria - but these definitions can be pretty loose in practice. What's important for the collector experience, is that the people collecting should hit a certain threshold of shared belonging.

POAP Products for Creators
The magic of POAP begins with POAP Drops: the console where a prospective POAP creator, or "Issuer", can create a POAP, configure the distribution, add metadata of all sorts, see previous drops, and even get information about how their POAP drop went.
POAP Collections is the tool for organizing all the POAPs belonging to one community, event, or initiative in one place. It supports Organizations and Artists, so that POAPs created by or on behalf of specific entities end up in the same place. Adding POAPs to a collection brings certain benefits, like creating a leaderboard for the collection to see collectors, and combining the Moments into one album.
Finally, POAP Moments is the publishing platform for POAP Moments, and can be used by community organizers to bulk-create Moments, upload videos, and tag members of their community so that they get a sweet reminder in their inbox.
Other tools, like POAP Fun (for raffles), POAP Airship (for fundraising and commemorative mints), POAP Art (for competitive pixel art) and assorted third party integrations round out the ecosystem to help enrich the POAP experience.
Build community with POAP
POAPs make the shared history of a community recorded, tangible, and interactive. They can be made for formally programmed events, like meetups or community calls, or just for fun by members of the community to memorialize a sober moment, or a funny joke - really, a POAP is anything that is worthy of being considered history.
There are lots of good excuses for making a POAP happen, but there are some outcomes you can expect. In every case, the experience is a shared mission for the organizers, and reinforces a shared aesthetic within the community. The drop will also act as a record of what happened, so that newer members of a community can more easily get themselves up to speed on the times before they got here.
The nice thing about POAP, is that it blends a collector's story with the story of your community. Issuers can learn more about the specific interests of their community members, while collectors have an opportunity to find other like-minded members and even recognize them at other events. These interactions create a sense of intimacy within a group, leading to the sort of dense network and ultimately, trust that makes community so rewarding.
Resources for POAP Issuers