Week in POAP
Notable POAP drops at NFT Factory Paris’s Founders Pizza Day, Chimpers’ Chimpreneurship show launch, and World of Women’s NFT Paris Megaspace.


- More details on the POAP trivia game happening at ETHDenver; dozens of teams have already registered to participate.
- The NFT Factory in Paris dropped a POAP at their Founders Pizza Day event.
- Chimpers dropped a POAP to kick off season two of their Chimpreneurship show (and shared the news on social).
- World of Women dropped a POAP during their "NFT Paris Megaspace."
- A POAP at a Web3 community event and a POAP at a "Farcaster Degen Party" in Madrid:

- Airswap is dropping a POAP to anyone who participated in their recent Snapshot vote.
- The Notion community in Buenos Aires dropped a POAP at a meetup.
- A 3D printing workspace in Nairobi is dropping a POAP to celebrate its launch, and blogged about POAPs.
- The Web3 Academy Ethereum Caravan completed its journey in Serbia with drops in Brus (locals were excited to mint it), Čačak, and Trstenik.
- Nethermind dropped a POAP for completing their 2023 internship program:

- Trackelec, a project aiming to trace green electricity from source to consumer, dropped a POAP to early supporters.
- Vitalia, a popup city devoted to life-extension health, is dropping a POAP to residents.
- DeForm dropped a POAP at a Lunar New Year's celebration in San Francisco.
- POAPs at meetups in Vancouver, Monterrey, Lima, Paris, Montfermeil, Munich, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Portland, and Lubbock:

- The Rise Up Morning Show restarted their POAP drops.
- The Zero Abuse Project dropped a POAP for completing a course on combating online exploitation.
- POAP dropped a POAP for participants in Season 1 of Crypto The Game.