Week in POAP
Notable POAP drops include a Gary Gensler-themed POAP commemorating the SEC’s erroneous Bitcoin ETF approval tweet, CryptoPunks’ meetup in Malibu, and 1inch’s Institutions and DeFi event in Davos.


- You can now view and link POAP art in extra small, small, medium, large, and extra large file sizes, in addition to the original size.
- The oft-challenging, oft-discussed "numbers game" security challenge for minting POAPs via Secrets on the mobile app can now be disabled with approval from the POAP Curation Body.
- A day early, the SEC incorrectly tweeted that Bitcoin ETFs were approved. The POAP community jumped on the chance to commemorate the moment with a Gary Gensler Pepe POAP, which ~350 people minted at the price of 0.01 ETH. The POAP was a big hit on social and people were especially impressed with the smooth user experience. Holders of this POAP are eligible to win a nice prize via the recently redesigned POAP Fun raffling platform.

- A POAP to celebrate the actual Bitcoin ETF approval.
- Crypto Punks dropped a POAP at a meetup in Malibu.
- 1inch dropped a POAP at an Institutions and Defi event in Davos.
- Colonna Contemporary art gallery in Philadelphia dropped a POAP during a show for the artist Bhare:

- KreativInstitut.OWL in Germany celebrated its grand opening with a POAP.
- Bayer Hellas dropped a POAP during "Bayer Business Day" in Athens.
- POAPs at meetups in Bali, Monterrey, Tijuana, Buenos Aires, Hürth, Basel, Paris, London, New York City, Toronto, and Hong Kong:

- SPS Technology celebrated a company milestone with a POAP.
- The Rocket Pool community celebrated a Smartnode update with a POAP.